
Answer for NURS 8503 Week 4 Discussion 2 Legal and Ethical Implications

As rightly stated in this Classroom Course, “patient rights, legal parameters, privacy issues, and other legal and ethical concerns must be identified and reviewed before implementation of projects; one of the roles of the nurse leader is to consider, manage and abide by all ethical and legal implications that may arise associated to the implementation of their practice change” (Walden Classroom, 2022). To implement change, the change team should assess the organization for best evidence recommendations to make sure that such change is doable and that barriers present can be overcome realistically (Dang et al, 2021). According to Harvin (2020), common code of ethics from project management leader include fulfilling commitments, honesty with communications and conducts, trustworthy, be responsible, respectful of oneself, listen to others and protect resources.

Ethical implications that may be associated to implementing my practice change include blaming others if things don’t go well, getting the wrong people on the teams just so that it makes the running smoothly and violation of basic workers’ rights. According to Majeed (2022), violation of basic workers’ rights include making workers work outside of their regular work hours with no pay compensation. As a project management leader, I plan to abide by ethical principles in that no stakeholder would be asked to work outside of their working hours without due permission from Management where they would get compensated if that being the case. I will be assuming responsibilities for any errors that occur in the implementation of my project as the project leader. There will be no violation of any organizational principles in the implementation of my project. Stakeholders on the project were selected due to their roles in the organization and in the implementation process and not because of friendship or social ties.  The interest of all stakeholders would be protected and communication will be prompt to avoid any delays to all stakeholders involved. Time is another ethical issue to consider in the implementation of my project. Thus, considerations have been put in place by allocating plenty of time to carry out tasks, assign tasks to specific and key personnel to mitigate this issue. Giving an accurate and up-to-date report to all stakeholders on the progress of the implementation process is another important ethical issue to be considered in project management.


Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines (4th ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International.

Harvin, H. (2020). Ethics to consider in project management.

Majeed, M. (2022). Ethical issues related to project manag

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