
Answer for NRS 493 Capstone Change Project Outcomes

As observed, hospital acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) are a core concern in healthcare and have negative effects on patients and quality of their care. The proposed interventions of using a care bundle approach aims at increasing patient’s care quality and helping nurses integrate the best practices for the targeted patients in critical and progressive care settings (Coyer et al., 2022; Lavallée et al., 2019). Organizational policies are important in attaining of proposed capstone project’s outcomes. As such, after an assessment of organizational policies and working with the preceptor, the I identified the following core outcomes of the proposed intervention to reduce HAPIs among critical care patients.

Reduce prevalence of HAPIs by 40%

The rationale for this outcome is to ensure that the setting progressively tackles the issue of HAPIs with the intent to ensure that patients are not exposed to adverse events like mortality and other related complications. Besides, the reduction by the proposed rate would be critical in helping the facility attain quality care for its patients (Zhang et al., 2021).

Increase nurses’ knowledge on HAPIs

The second outcome is to ensure that nurses have sufficient knowledge about HAPIs and appropriate interventions like the use of care bundle. The outcome is critical in enhancing quality measures and ensuring that nurses have sufficient competencies and skills to handle the problem (Mohamed-Mayhob et al., 2021).

Improve Patient Safety

The third outcome of the intervention is to ensure that patients are safe in the facility and can understand different components of their care based on their needs. This outcome is critical for nurses to integrate evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions in their practice environment (Floyd et al., 2021). The intervention is a core part of attaining patient safety measures as advanced by models like the value-based purchase.

Integrate EBP Interventions

The integration of evidence-based practice (EBP) intervention is critical in patient care management. As such, the capstone project is expected to increase use of EBP in the unit and ensure that patients have better outcomes through customized strategies to reduce their susceptibility to HAPIs.


Coyer, F., Cook, J. L., Doubrovsky, A., Campbell, J., Vann, A., McNamara, G., … & Fulbrook,

  1. (2022). Implementation and evaluation of multilayered pressure injury prevention strategies in an Australian intensive care unit setting. Australian Critical Care, 35(2), 143-152.

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