
Answer for NRS 455 Discuss characteristic findings of an immune dysfunction

Re: Topic 4 DQ 1

The immune system includes lymph nodes, bone marrow, tonsils and spleen. The immune system functions to protect the body against pathogenic microorganisms. “Immune pathology occurs when the immune system stops functioning properly” (Falkner, Pathophysiology: Clinical Applications for Client Health, 2022). Immunodeficiency disorders disrupt the body’s ability to fight of bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and parasite. With autoimmune disorders, the immune system attacks the body’s own tissues and symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain and stiffness, muscle weakness, skin rashes, digestive issues, and even neurological symptoms may be present. Immune dysfunction can interrupt daily living. “Individuals with immunodeficiency disorders may also develop chronic abdominal pain, and they may even lose weight over time” (Sampson, 2023). Fatigue along with chronic pain can make it challenging to perform daily tasks and participate in social activities, leading to decreased quality of life. Chronic illnesses and frequent infections can also strain relationships due to the amount of support that may be required from significant others. Those that suffer with immune dysfunction may have increase stress due to managing illness, may be depressed if isolated and may have low self esteem due to physical challenges.


Falkner, A. (2022). Pathophysiology: Clinical Applications for Client Health. Grand Canyon University.

Sampson, S. (2023, May 8). Immunodeficiency Disorders. Retrieved from Healthline:

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