
Answer for LDR 615 What environmental forces drive organization development in your field or industry? 

Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

I work in education, specifically serveing the disenfranchised student. At the Buraeu of Indian Educatiuon (BIE) we focus reestablishing idenity and culture within Native American students while providing high quality education. The enviornmental factors that drive organiztional development are the ever changing climate of the United States government with regard to policy change, and the evolving needs of the modern student. Steps to respond to change include analyzing, designing, intervention, implementation, evaltuation, and transition (Organizational Development Network, 2024). What this looks like is understanding there is a need for change, creating a plan and structure, begining to introduce the plan, and transitioning in a way that effectively pitots in the best dirction. As a Government employee, I am ada[pting to change annually. Policies are constantly changing and new proceess are always being rolled out. Govenment employees ahave becaome numb to change, and often find the best way to adapt to change within the confines of allowance.

Best regards,

Organizational Development Network. (2024). What is Organizational Development. Recieved from:

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