Change models are tools that help keep a change organized and lead to more successful change implementations. These strategies are implemented locally and centrally within health systems to enhance efficiency and patient outcomes (Harrison et al, 2021). One such model for change is known as the Kotter 8 step model. In this model, there are 8 steps. The first step, creating a sense of urgency, looks to do exactly what it states, which is show the need for a change and the reason for it. This can be done just with sharing research and information that is found with the stakeholders (Graves et al., 2023). The second step is build a guiding coalition. In this step, the organization will want to establish and develop an outline for their project ( Graves et al., 2023). The third step is forming a strategic vision and initiatives. This steps involves visualizing how your change will make the situation different in the future (Bedard, 2023). The fourth step is called enlist a volunteer army. Large change can only be implemented when large numbers of people rally around the cause, and this is what you look to do in this step (Bedard, 2023). The fifth step is enable action by removing barriers. In this step, you will identify the barriers that are slowing the change and remove them (Bedard, 2023). The sixth step is generate short term wins. The step you want to focus on all win no matter the size in order to motivate the team ( Bedard, 2023). The seventh step is sustain acceleration. This step requires continuing to be relentless in instituting change after identifying the small wins (Bedard, 2023). The final step is known as institute change. In this step, you want to highlight the success of the organization ( Bedard, 2023).
Another change model is known as Lewins change model. This model only has 3 steps. The first step is called unfreeze. In this step, the idea is to prepare the stakeholders for the upcoming change by helping them to understand why the change is necessary (Lewins Change Management Model : Everything You Need To Know, n.d.). The next step is called change. In this step, you make the required changes that have been developed while at the same time gaining support by showing the value that the change has for the organization (Lewins Change Management Model : Everything You Need To Know, n.d.). The final step is refreeze. This final step is ready to be implemented when the employees have embraced the new change and you can see the change taking shape (Lewins Change Management Model : Everything You Need To Know, n.d.). This model is different from the Kotter model because it is not broken down as far. There is more that needs to be done with each step and just doesn’t have the same amount of support for organizing a change. For this reason, i would prefer the Kotter 8 step model. It will give me extra support for a change and help guide that change in a way that will help to keep me organized and on track.
Bedard, A. (2023, August 22). The 8-step process for leading change: Dr. John Kotter. Kotter International Inc.
Graves, L., Dalgarno, N., Van Hoorn, R., Hastings-Truelove, A., Mulder, J., Kolomitro, K., Kirby, F., & Van Wylick, R. (2023). Creating change: Kotter’s change management model in action. Canadian Medical Education Journal.
Harrison, R., Fischer, S., Walpola, R. L., Chauhan, A., Babalola, T., Mears, S., & Le-Dao, H. (2021). Where do models for Change Management, improvement and implementation meet? A systematic review of the applications of Change Management Models in healthcare. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, Volume 13, 85–108.
Lewin’s Change Management Model: Everything You Need To Know. (n.d.).