
Answer 4 for NRS 445 Analyze the role nurses play in improving health care quality and safety through the use of evidence-based practice (EBP)

Evidence based practice (EBP) is defined as using current best evidence, clinical expertise and patient values to help healthcare providers with providing best health practices to improve the patients outcome and EBP is patient centered. It is important to note that EBP is dynamic and it is an ongoing process and implementation can be a bit challenging in the first few weeks that a new EBP is being implemented.

Nurses are vital in the implementation of EBP  as they help identify knowledge gaps where EBP can be used to improve patient care. Nurses spend most of their time with patients hence they are able to evaluate if the implemented EBP is effective in the improvement of patient outcomes, and they also help with the continuous monitoring and improvement of an implemented EBP.

My workplace was recently taken over by another company and the new company came with new EBP that they were implementing in other facilities under them. Nurses were implementing these new EBPs but there was a push back when they were introduced but then as the weeks progressed there was a staff meeting and most nurses agreed that the new EBPs were effective and they had better patient outcomes. Some of the stakeholders that need to be considered in the implementation of the new EBPs are all the healthcare providers involved in the care of the patient and also the top management as implementation of some EBPs need extra funds. Patients also need to be considered as the implementation of these practices affect their outcomes and also are supposed to be cost effective for their pockets.


Joan Apostolo The effectiveness of an evidence-based practice educational program on undergraduate nursing students’ EBP knowledge and skills: A cluster randomized control trial: January 3.2021; doi.103390/ijerph18010293

Mekonnen Halle Beshah, Asarat Hailu Dagne : Implementation of evidence-based practice: The experience of nurses and midwives: August 27. 2021; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0256600

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