
Answer 3 for NURS 8310 Week 6 Discussion 1 Psychosocial Factors in Health 

Psychosocial factors such as depression and anxiety always have a negative impact on health outcomes. A patient can receive the best medication for a particulardisease but the psychosocialfactors would limit the recovery period of the patient causing a worse condition on a patient (Li et al., 2018). Tuberculosis patients are not an exception to these effects. These factors play an essential role in coming up with possible solutions tothe health issue. Therefore, the purpose of this discussion is to examine psychosocial factors affecting Tuberculosis patients.

Depression is common among Multidrug resistance tuberculosis compared to pulmonary TB patients. Multidrug-resistant TB patients feel that they have nothing to leave for as allmedicationthey have tried to correct theirhealth conditions are not yielding any positive result (Bisallah et al., 2018). The realization of a patient that a drug does not affect them always causesdepression and stress that would further worsen their condition or lead to death. Depression awakens the psychosocial welfare that results in a negative outcome among tuberculosis patients.

Anxiety has a negative effect on the quality of life as the patient remains restless on the length of time they have to live. Besides, it also has a negative influence on self-care and health care costs. Anxiety would further lead to a weak body that decreases the level of resistance to infections (Walker et al., 2018). Therefore, it limits the ability of a TB patient to comply with the given TB treatments. TB patients need a sense of belonging and love from the family to assure them of new hope in life (Tola et al., 2017). The family’s motivation affect their ability to accept treatment that would further have a positive impact on the treatment of the disease.

These factors are addressed by creating a sense of belonging with patients that would enable themto feel loved and have hope for the future. Solution of the TB problem among the selected community needs effective intervention on the psychosocialfactors that are likely to affect the treatment of the disease. Nurses need to have adequate information on the psychosocial, factors that are likely to affect patients with chronic infections. This information would be important in devising the appropriate care for the patients.  Developing nurses that can influence the social life of patients is important in reducing the effect of psychosocial factors on chronic patients.


Bisallah, C. I., Rampal, L., Lye, M. S., MohdSidik, S., Ibrahim, N., Iliyasu, Z., &Onyilo, M. O. (2018). Effectiveness of health education intervention in improving knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding Tuberculosis among HIV patients in General Hospital Minna, Nigeria–A randomized control trial. PloS one13(2), e0192276.

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