
Answer 3 for NURS 8210 Week 2 Professional Role Development 

All the processes and techniques of project management are important in guiding the planning and development of my DNP doctoral project. However, I believe that processes that include project design and management, and techniques, including communication, change management, and use of checklists are the most important of all. Project design is the initial phase of the DNP doctoral project where one determines the structure, features, and determinants of the project’s success. The project management team also determines the deliverables that would be used to assess the success of the project in the design phase (Moran et al., 2023; Sipes, 2019). Poor project design will imply that the subsequent project processes will fail due to a lack of an effective structure that guides the implementation process.

Project management entails the execution of project activities according to the developed plan to achieve the stated objectives. For example, a project management team has to implement key project strategies according to the plan and measure outcomes based on the pre-established benchmark data. The project team measures the outcomes of a project at any point compares them with the deliverables that should be achieved at that time and makes responsive changes where necessary (Jouparinejad et al., 2020; Sipes, 2019). Poor project management will result in ineffective realization of the set objectives and inefficiency in resource utilization.

Project management techniques such as communication and change management are essential for a DNP doctoral project or any project. The project management team should always be informed about the project’s process. Open communication should be encouraged among the team members to ensure efficient coordination of project activities. The implementation of a DNP project might be a change in itself. The project management team involved in the implementation should ensure adequate preparation of the change adopters (Grace, 2022; Sipes, 2019). For example, strategies such as training and education, coaching, mentorship, and active involvement of change adopters might be considered for successful project implementation.


Grace, P. J. (2022). Nursing Ethics and Professional Responsibility in Advanced Practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Jouparinejad, S., Foroughameri, G., Khajouei, R., & Farokhzadian, J. (2020). Improving the informatics competency of critical care nurses: Results of an interventional study in the southeast of Iran. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making20(1), 220.

Moran, K. J., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2023). The Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: A Framework for Success. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Sipes, C. (2019). Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse, Second Edition. Springer Publishing Company.

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