
Answer 3 for NRS 420 Illustrate the nurse’s role and specific actions that the nurse can take in addressing this area of concern in adolescents

Not every youngster is impacted by social media in the same manner. Social media use has both beneficial and detrimental consequences on mental health. Each adolescent experiences these effects differently. The effects of social media on mental health vary depending on factors like what a teenager uses and views on the internet. The duration of time spend on internet, degree of maturity and any previous mental health issues, individual circumstances like social, cultural, and financial aspects of life.(MayoClinic, 2024 )

Brain areas linked to peer interest, comments, and reward become increasingly responsive during adolescent development. The parts of the brain related to self-control have not yet reached adulthood. That might be a surefire way to go wrong (Weir, 2023). Through social media, teenagers can establish social networks, communicate with others, and construct virtual identities.  These networks can offer teenagers assistance from individuals who share similar interests or life experiences. Teens who are lonely or lack  social support may benefit most from this like kids with  long-term illnesses and those with disabilities It help to communicate, establish connections with other teenagers both nearby and far away and discover how other teenagers handle difficult circumstances and mental health issues (Weir, 2023).

Some teenagers may experience consequences from using social media. It could be used to spread rumours, divert attention from homework, exercise, and family activities, disrupt sleep, provide biased or inaccurate information, expose them to online predators who might try to take advantage of or extort them, and expose them to cyber bullying, which can increase their risk of mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

Parents need to e nable privacy settings, manage any problematic behavior, and establish rules and restrictions as necessary. Encourage in-person interactions with peers, talk to your adolescent about social media on a regular basis, and keep an eye on their accounts.(MayoClinic, 2024 )


MayoClinic (Ed.). (2024, January 18). How to help your teen navigate social media. Mayo Clinic.

Weir, K. (2023, September 1). Social media brings benefits and risks to teens. psychology can help identify a path forward. Monitor on Psychology.

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