There are various qualitative designs like the grounded theory, the phenomenological theory and as well, the ethnographic theory. This work however focuses on the ethnographic and grounded theory providing the much needed insights on the same. The ethnographic and grounded theory are often confused because they are almost similar. According to Bartholomew and Brown (2022), these theories are crucial to qualitative research in the social sciences, including nursing. Both theories are inductive and methodical in examining a feature to provide insights on the same. In addition, both methods rely on an explanation route, in which the researcher establishes rapport with the respondents and hopes they will share personal stories.
Despite these similarities, there are also important distinctions. To begin, grounded theory expects procedures that point to an element and connect the many aspects of the approach. When determining what causes hypertension for instance, grounded theory takes a more in-depth look into the person’s emotional history and lifestyle choices. As a result, a method is established that associates it with hypertension (van den Scott 2018). The theory is therefore developed on the basis of collected data in the process of research and lays emphasis on iterative analysis and constant comparison. The ethnographic theory entails a holistic perspective where a researcher immerses themselves in a community or culture to have a better understanding of various perspectives and social phenomena as an insider. It lays emphasis on contextual and detailed observations. In addition, it covers the whole research process of a certain issue. The point that the observer aimed to make in the research is directly related to the following conclusion. It establishes a connection between the research and the cultural practices of a certain community (van den Scott 2018). For instance, while studying human behavior, an observer considers a wide range of elements, including the individual’s traditions and conventions, to predict how that behavior would unfold. It is therefore important to understand these theories and how they are applied in the nursing practice.
Bartholomew, T. T., & Brown, J. R. (2022). Entering the ethnographic mind: A grounded theory of using ethnography in psychological research. Qualitative research in psychology, 19(2), 316-345.
Van den Scott, L. J. K. (2018). Visual methods in ethnography.