
An Argument in Favor of Increasing Minimum Wage in America as Proposed by President Barack

Obama Raise Minimum Wage In 2014, poverty is more prevalent than ever. Almost 5 million Texans are living in penury, struggling to make ends meet for basic survival. When it is possible to provide for “the poorest among us,” it is necessary and a moral responsibility to do so. More purpose can be found in the perpetual expenses required to successfully escalate in the economic and social ladder. Whether the cost is for an education or an investment to produce a business or product. By appealing to the largest majority, the lower and middle class, President Barack Obama proposed an increase of the minimum wage from “the current $7.25 an hour to $10.10 over the course of three years.” (Hall and Cockerham, “Study: Minimum wage hike both good, bad) By gradually raising the minimum wage by 2016 and considering inflation, over 15.6 million workers would benefit from the wage increase. In addition, it could potentially “ift 900,000 Americans out of poverty.” (Hall and Cockerham, “Study: Minimum wage hike both good, bad) About 450,000 Texan employees are “paid at or below the minimum wage.” (Ellis and Thompson, “Time to raise minimum wage”) Even working these jobs full time, the majority can’t seem to manage to meet a living wage. Ethically, if something is plausible and beneficial to your fellow human, why not pursue it? It the humane responsibility “of public policymakers to ensure everyone has access to the tools necessary to make the climb.” (Ellis and Thompson, “Time to raise minimum wage”) No person should struggle or be in distress about not having a meal to eat or a roof top sleep under, especially if they are willing to put forth the effort and work. It has been calculated that at the current minimum wage, “a parent with a full-time job still does not ean enough to above the federal poverty line.” (Ellis and Thompson, “Time to raise minimum wage”) This essay could be plagiarized. Get your custom essay “Dirty Pretty Things” Acts of Desperation: The State of Being Desperate 127 writers ready to help you now Get Original Paper Without paying upfront Some may argue the inflation that would occur with the wage increase, however, if the rate of inflation were to meet the wage increase there would be no negative effect. Some may also argue that it would reduce job openings and make it difficult for “low-skilled Workers to find employment.” (Ponnuru, Raising minimum wage is a very popular bad idea) Research shows that minimum wage increase does not correlate to employment rates. The opposing side argues that “hundreds of low-skill workers are trying to find jobs, but can’t. Is it really the right time to raise the cost of hiring and make it harder for businesses to hire them?” (Ponnuru, Raising minimum wage is a very popular bad idea) Even so, this would result in employers having to find the most qualified of their staff to continue employing or hire. Which would consequently increase motivation for people to get an education or proper training to truly qualify successfully fulfling their jobs. The “overall real income in the economy would rise by a modest $2 billion.” (Hall and Cockerham, “Study: Minimum wage hike both good, bad) which is more than financially beneficial for the country as a whole. The U.S. can grow stronger economically by providing “the opportunity to access a bridge out of poverty.” (Ellis and Thompson, “Time to raise minimum wage”) Economic research and practical benevolent human virtue has proved that raising the minimum wage is beneficial. This proposal fulfls the ‘American Dream’ and allows for every working American that has the fervor to seek it, to have the opportunity to pursue it.

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