
Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle

Finlay (2008) stated that to be a powerful tool to examine and transform practice, critical reflection needed to be refined and grown.

After completing the reflective practice survey and considering the 5 levels of reflection as defined by Zeichner & Liston (1996), my current reflective practice is at the Rapid Reflection and Repair level. I need to shift to Research and Retheorizing and Reformulating to refine and grow my practice.

Gibbs' model of reflection (1988)

Firstly, I selected a suitable model of reflection to augment the quality of my reflective practice. Finlay (2008) discusses a variety of reflective practice models; Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle (1988), The three-stage model of Boud, Keogh and Walker (1985) and John’s Model of Structured Reflection (2006). I have selected Jay and Johnson’s (2002) model as the three intertwined dimensions of; descriptive, comparative and critical reflection are more consistent with the Spiral Model of Inquiry where it cycles through:

scanning – focussing – developing a hunch – new learning – taking action

(Halbert & Kaser, Spirals of Inquiry, 2013).

Finlay (2008) quantified that models like that of Jay and Johnson (2002) are useful as they recognise different levels of reflection. I can see the deeper spiraling questions that are an integral part of the Jay and Johnson (2002) model easy to apply to my reflective practice learning journey.

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